

Sitecore商务设计 & Development

Skynet Technologies has seasoned developers and creative designers who engineered faster, 互动和吸引人的Sitecore商务网站. We also tend to customize the functionality as per the client’s requirements.

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Sitecore商务设计 & Development


Sitecore商务咨询 & Ecommerce Strategy

我们在制定战略和创造最具成本效益和功能丰富的解决方案方面拥有深厚的专业知识. 我们为您提供战术装备,帮助您将您的想法转变为有效而优雅的商店. We are steadfast in our commitment to suggesting the right solutions to our clients.

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Sitecore商务咨询 & Ecommerce Strategy


Sitecore Commerce升级

We upgrade your old Sitecore Commerce version to the latest and stable version. We stay on the top of the latest updates and keep you in the know. We handle the technical part without any data loss and help with a swift upgrade.

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Sitecore Commerce升级



对许多人来说,移民通常是一项艰巨的任务. Skynet Technologies is a smart choice if you are considering migrating your current store. We help you get over the intricacies involved and ease the pressure of migration.





We, 在天网科技, 是专家在素描独特的Sitecore商务插件,提供灵活性,我们的客户在世界各地. Also, 我们的专家团队确保我们的客户获得部署这些插件的完整范围的相关服务. This drives to simple navigation and fully-fledged stores and websites.





We understand your customer concerns regarding the safe and secure payment process. Any anomalies here could result in a massive customer drop rate. So we take the utmost care and attention to build or integrate the safest payment gateways. We also pick varied 支付网关集成s to serve customers across diverse locations.





With Skynet technologies on your side for your next Sitecore Commerce project, you would have the best and perfect integration solutions for your growing business. 我们还探索了公共和私有api,以提供流畅的Sitecore Commerce集成解决方案.




ERP & CRM Integration

我们的ERP和CRM集成服务, 我们以先进的管理和分析能力支持您的电子商务业务的无限扩展. 与目录信息在ERP, 您可以通过Sitecore Commerce发布,为您的客户提供无缝集成的体验. 我们还可以帮助与任何CRM集成,以跟踪您与客户的所有互动,如订单, support requests, contact info, etc.

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ERP & CRM Integration


Support & Maintenance

我们的24*7支持和维护团队提供持续的服务 & dedicated services and assist you with the store up-gradation, scalability services, and additional support that ensures a frictionless shopping experience to your customers.

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Support & Maintenance



The business who are considering to make website full ADA WCAG 2.1 compliance; we provide Sitecore website accessibility remediation services including audit, consulting, remediation, maintenance, monitoring, training, and support. It is ideal for websites and digital assets of large enterprises, Federal and state government. Our solution can make your website compliance for any of following standards - ADA, WCAG 2.1, ATAT 2.0, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), 以色列标准5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA.

Read more about 全面Sitecore网站可访问性补救服务




Sitecore All in One Accessibility Widget是基于辅助技术和人工智能来快速提高网站的可访问性和可用性. 它可以在2分钟内安装. It improves website accessibility according for the standards including WCAG 2.1, ATAG 2.0, ADA, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), 以色列标准5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, 和法国RGAA标准. 它是初创企业的理想选择, micro, small, 中型商业网站的意图是增强用户体验和超过基本级别的可访问性遵从性.

The Sitecore All in One Accessibility free version is limited to 23 features, and it will work on websites having less than 5k Pageviews per month; while the Pro version is available with 52+ features, and its pricing varies based on the size and pageviews of the website.

Read more 关于快速Sitecore网站可访问性补救





我们不时更新我们的营销和销售策略,以确定阻碍客户对您的商店和产品热情的障碍和挑战. 我们精心策划了一个营销策略,可以激发你的客户-无论是老客户还是新客户-对他们产生兴趣并进行购买.



我们建立专业和可扩展的网站,从人群中脱颖而出,激起你的买家的兴趣. 一个偶然的访客也可能在你的营销和销售渠道中成为你的忠实客户. We invest our time and efforts in building sustainable websites, in offsetting the effects of churn and build a strong customer base.



We, 在天网科技, have proven experience and expertise in understanding the pulse of customers. We build personalized customer loyalty programs with promotional codes, rebates, discounts, 享用优质服务, and more enticing offers that can spur the customers to make a purchase which, in turn, increases revenue.



We build mobile-responsive Sitecore storefronts where you see an enhanced customer activity. These websites also reduce the cart abandonment rate with the help of push notifications. 大量的购物活动发生在手机上,因此我们提供了适合移动设备的网站.



All our shopping websites are SEO friendly and built in compliance with W3C guidelines. Our SEO specialist spend ample amount of time in picking the right content, keyword, image and video optimizations and more that improves the rankings in search engine page results.

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我们有大量的经验,建立专业的网站与所有的客户正在寻找的功能. 我们帮助您选择正确的插件和集成,增强您的网站的功能. 如果需要,我们也可以从头开始构建任何插件. 有互动主题, bug-free code, SEO optimized content, your website serves as a cornerstone of your business growth


Quick Loading Speed

我们的数字团队投资于网络优化, database optimizations and design a perfect website that loads faster. 我们知道,加载速度慢的网站会损害你的网站在谷歌搜索中的排名,也会增加客户流失. 所以我们做一个快速的速度测试,如果需要建议在优化网站的另一轮迭代.


Intuitive Navigation

我们的UI/UX设计团队结构和放置每个元素,以便客户可以在一秒钟内找到他们想要的一切.我们确保您的在线商店具有以用户为中心的设计,并适用于所有设备,这是提高转化率的关键. 我们精通建立引人入胜的网站,您的客户只需点击几下即可决定.


  • 优质咨询服务
  • 全面的购物体验
  • 提升品牌认知
  • 把访客变成顾客
  • 流量和交易高峰
  • 收入迅速增长
  • 建立客户忠诚度
  • Proven sales record
  • SEO友好型网站
  • 易于升级的Sitecore功能


Sitecore Experience Commerce解决方案是电子商务解决方案或电子商务商店开发,具有更新产品的所有功能, 将内容整合到客户见解中.

We provide all-in-one Sitecore Commerce services including design & development, 咨询和电子商务策略, store upgrades, Sitecore Commerce迁移, custom modules, 支付网关集成, ERP与CRM集成, support & maintenance & more.

我们在这方面很灵活. We offer both the options and the client can pick the one that suits them the best.

  • 如果你想要完全控制开发过程,并且不想为雇佣员工而烦恼,那么就选择专门的资源模式.
  • 如果您有固定的需求并且可以确定您的项目持续时间,请选择固定的时间/价格模型.

Yes. We have ample experience in the customization and development of extensions from the ground up. 请告诉我们你们的要求, and our developers will add that feature to your store with flawless precision.

是的,我们提供全面的服务,并不会随着您店铺的发展而终止. 我们的全方位服务包括数字营销解决方案,如搜索引擎优化,更有效地提高您的在线形象. 我们的SEO专家分析和修改网站,以提高您的网站在搜索引擎结果中的排名.

一旦你决定和我们合作, 我们会指派一名专门的项目经理,他将与您一起工作,并让您了解项目的最新进展. 你可以向他提供你的反馈. 你也会在我们的沟通循环,其中你可以直接与开发人员互动,如果需要的话.

创建一个功能齐全的网站的时间框架取决于各种因素,比如你的项目要求, 项目的复杂性, 以及你需要修改的次数. We follow the agile development process and complete the development just like a clockwork.

Sitecore commerce empowers many businesses to deliver personalized experiences to the clients. It is an integrated solution with CMS, commerce, and customer experience all under one roof. 你可以毫不费力地了解客户的旅程,培养目标客户,提高你的销售和投资回报率. With an experienced team on your side, you can build an outcome-oriented retail store.

We have in-house experts who can assist you in choosing the right payment gateway. The best option, however, is to opt for the multiple payment gateways for your store. 这使客户可以灵活地选择他们喜欢的在线支付方式.

Yes. 我们的团队始终掌握最新的Sitecore Commerce更新,并根据最新趋势不断简化我们的服务.

Absolutely. We provide you the access and staging link wherein you can monitor the progress of the website. 如果你有任何反馈,也可以让我们知道.

Get Started with Sitecore商务发展

Create digital storefront based on your custom requirements with Sitecore Commerce development. Whether you are looking for Sitecore Commerce development, Sitecore Commerce定制Sitecore Commerce设计, Sitecore Commerce迁移, version upgrades, integration, redesign, Sitecore Commerce维护或支持, 你来对地方了! 我们有一个专家团队,可以帮助您的品牌产生更多的收入,并通过Sitecore商务SEO和数字营销服务将您的业务提升到一个新的水平. 今天pg电子官网,让我们知道您的要求.

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